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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wounded Warrior Bike Rides....!

Here in DC, we're gearing up for this weekend's 2009 Face of America Bike Ride from Bethesda to Gettysburg, a 2-day, 110 mile ride that pays tribute to and supports the participation of our more severely injured veterans.

I'm "Banner Queen" again this year, so I've been on the receiving end of handcrafted banners sent in from Angels all over the United States. I've received 75+ so far from 50 different individuals, families, schools, girl/daisy scout troops, businesses, and social groups. What a treat to be on the receiving end!

Wondering what this is all about? See my 2007 and 2008 blog posts.

To give you an idea of the kind of folks who ride in these rides - especially our more severely injured veterans - go read these two stories about the Ride2Recovery event, a 350-mile, 6 day event that took place in Texas: one story by actor and ride participant Adam Baldwin & another (my favorite) by writer and participant Stephen F. Hayes. It was a different group of riders, a different ride, a different state, but it highlighted the resilience and achievements of the same kind of amazing veterans that will make you hesitate to say "I can't" ever again.

Kudos to participants/article writers Adam and Stephen.

And for our wounded vets, a heartfelt, "WOW." We are so proud and so grateful.

If you see some cyclists/trike riders between Bethesda and Frederick MD on Saturday or between Frederick and Gettysburg PA on Sunday, pass with care and shout out your support, okay?