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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Anatomy of a Care Package - Take 2

I did this once before but figured that new and old Angels might appreciate a re-hash and a couple new ideas...

So you've adopted a troop, and you're trying to decide what to put in that 1st or 20th care package...

Recently, I found these individual packs of white cheddar popcorn for my soldier - they're small enough to pack well, and are great for troops who don't have a microwave at their tent/hut away from home.

And even though it's "smartfood", it still tastes good. I tested some to make sure (an Angel hazard).

One of my troops likes Oprah's magazine. To make it easy to send, I subscribed to the magazine, so it arrives at my house as a reminder to send it and it saves a bit over buying it in the bookstore or at a newsstand.

On a year-long tour, troops also churn through socks so replacements can be welcome.

And a bit of flavoring to break up the monotony of all that water they drink seems to hit the spot. If you've got an active troop who has to worry about hydration and energy, there are several brands of individual drink mix packets with electrolytes, etc. Otherwise, the sugar-free type are very popular. Target has multiple versions, and Crystal Light packets are at most grocery stores. All are in pre-measured packets for adding to 16 to 20 oz bottles of water.

Of course there are always toiletries to send, and the "travel size" section of your superstore usually has an assortment of items. If you learn your troop's preference, the full size items are more economical, but the small ones are an easy add to a package. Note: don't forget to tape shut all lids of lotion, shampoo, hand sanitizer, etc! and then double bag them (some type of ziplock bag is best - I buy them in bulk at Sam's Club!).

Finally, one of my favorite items: whatever catches my eye as I walk down the market aisles. Recently I found these fish and this "naked" granola.

I saw a TV show on the founders of "Bear Naked Granola" (I'm a Food Network junkie) -- and the product looks really good. I think I need to go back to Target and get some for me...

Happy shopping and happy care-packaging!

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