War News: Latest Articles at Long War Journal, by Bill Roggio et al

Check out the latest round-up of milblog & web reports on the War on Terror

Monday, February 26, 2007

Do you know what happened in the war today?

I try to stay informed, but it's hard right? So much going on, so many people talking.

To help sift through it all, I've found several terrific blogs that alert me to key events of the day and provide some links and some commentary.

One of my favorite blogs and news outlets gives a daily round-up of the day's events in the global war on terror (or whatever you'd like to call it). Events from Afghanistan, Pakistan, The Philippines, Somalia, India, Iran,....and, yes, Iraq. These quick reads with links to longer articles run down the right-hand side of the web page. Unique, in-depth articles are presented as the the main postings on the site.

Check it out.

Don't have a lot of time to read? It only takes a couple minutes to scan that right-hand side bar. Make time. It's the least we can do from the homefront.

Really, go have a look at BillRoggio.com's The Fourth Rail.

Monday, February 19, 2007

An Angel's Gift: Picture of Michelle's quilt... (close up)

This post and the two previous show pictures of a quilt made by a fellow Soldiers' Angel. The quilt was made for a retiring Marine, who is a major fan of the Chicago Bears. Pretty nice, huh?

Way to go Michelle!

An Angel's Gift (cont'd): Picture of Michelle's quilt... Side 2

An Angel's Gift (cont'd): Picture of Michelle's quilt... Side 1

Testing, testing

Just setting up...